Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Behold! The bee.
A swollen bullet of honey
and venom
on an erratic path
to Eden.

God’s woofer
wrapped in sunlight
and shadow.
Blaring the earth’s hum
like a tiny speaker
on Nature’s stereo.

Do you know me, bee?
I want to squeeze
your velvety abdomen
and spill through
that pencil point barb
all the sweetness and bitter
of life
in inky DNA strands
across the page.

To gather up the world’s essence
in powdery pollen bits
and dance their glorious purpose
with certainty
and joyful abandon.

Do you know me, bee?
I want to swallow you down.
Let your grace
fill me up; feel your stinger
pierce me through.
Until tiny pinpoints
of light
shoot out through my skin.
The lost sister of the Pleiades -

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Winter Prayer

Today I call upon the spirit of bear.
Let me hibernate in my dreams!
Enough running ‘round in circles,
Fat on the calories of honey, honey, honey.
Give me the spirit-food of introspection,
The sustenance of stillness.
Hurl me into that inky space
Between the borealis and
The lobes of my chattering brain.
Cradle me into the long winter’s nap.
Some senseless void.

A quiet mind.
Where I can hear my own heart.

Let me be like the winter trees:
Stripped bare of garish distractions,
The roar of fluttering.
Fall away and leave me as One
While the sap runs slow and deep, deep, deep.
Give me the tenacity of roots,
Silently creeping into the earth,
nourished by the darkness and
the dirt of origins.